The immersive projection dome was 33’ diameter and was host to thousands of attendees throughout the festivals with Austin City Limits having record attendance of over 400,000 attendees over two weekends. The geodesic projection dome featured a 4K fulldome video projection system and Omnispace360 Media Server. This system allowed for our cutting-edge live dome broadcasting technology to be integrated into the festival stages and custom 8K cameras to live feed to the dome.
In addition, the dome media server allowed for the overlaying of live dome VJ visuals by the Omnispace360 content team led by VJ / Technician, Tyler Allison, who said “The Omnispace360 media server is the perfect platform for VJ’ing on a dome. It has the 4K live input that has very low latency and allows for smooth integration of VJ clips, even when the server is streaming live 8K camera feeds!”
Omnispace360 CMO & Executive Producer, Matthew Fannon, on the innovation of live dome broadcasting for concerts, festivals and other applications, “Our team pioneered the first major sporting event to live broadcast into a dome many years ago but it has always been a dream of mine to do it for a major concert or festival.
At Austin City Limits and Format Festivals we utilized the some of the most advanced camera systems in the world to stream live 8K 360/180 feeds into the dome and were able to enhance those feeds with real-time VJ overlays generated by visual artists in the dome.”

Artist Darren Romanelli on his vision for DomeRx, “Inspired by psychedelia, laser light shows and consciousness-expanding art and music, DomeRx is a multimedia healing space created for creative communal experiences. DomeRx’s specially curated “Companion Chairs” seating designs are each one-of-a-kind, sustainably sourced functional art pieces, a patch-worked mix of found materials celebrating vintage Americana.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to have partnered with C3 Presents and Live Nation at Austin City Limits Festival and Format Festival this summer for the first immersive 360 DomeRx experience. We dreamt up 3 days of programming centered around psychedelic exploration, plant medicine and deepening the connection to our symbiotic relationship with nature. We held ceremony, meditated and journeyed together at the center of DomeRx – within the geodesic sacred architecture first created by the visionary Buckminster Fuller and now built by our dome partners, Omnispace360.
Thank you to everyone that joined us in manifesting this experience and to all those that came through our doors and opened their minds to our co-creation. There will be much more to come, as we continue to collaborate and evolve.”
This project was only the beginning of what is possible with immersive projection domes in the concert and festival markets. The immersive projection domes are not limited to this size dome and we have inflatable projection domes up to 200’ diameter (30,000 sq. ft.) and even larger.
We can even live broadcast to remote dome locations anywhere in the world via dedicated satellite feeds. Imagine experiencing a festival in Europe from New York or California!

If you would like to consider one of our immersive projection domes at your next project, you can reach us directly via the Web or on social Instagram, facebook, linkedin, and check out more of our videos on our youtube channel for more content!